The Dancing Passages – For the Teen Spirit

Only $0.00$20.00

The teen years (ages 13-19) are a time when humans are naturally differentiating from their families of origin and beginning to develop their own values as they explore the world. Teens are tuning into their passions and interests. Many of them are searching for their life purpose. They begin looking for mentors in the community who are able to support them in going after their dreams. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have or never had the supports we needed to make this transition and yet, we have or had to find a way to it on our own. If you are an adult who experienced hardship in the teen years, it is never too late to heal past wounds. No one has to stay stuck in past trauma and drama. If you are a teen at the moment, these rites can support you in knowing yourself better. They can help you carve your own pathway in life–taking you through your teen years with more ease. In this audio recording, you will have the opportunity to move through the teen “passages” that we all go through in life. Dance is an ancient way of literally moving us into and through internal transformations. Dance bypasses the mental analytical processes that often keep us stuck in patterns or ways of doing things and seeing our lives that do not give life.


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