Practicing Radical Hope at Samhain

My thoughts as I sat with my ancestor altar this morning:

There’s so much in the world I can’t control–way more than what I can. I write to my representatives and I share petitions. I am active in my community. I don’t think we honour our ancestors by denying ourselves joy. And for druids, Samhain (celebrated from Oct 31-Nov 1) is a sacred time where we commune with our ancestors while the veils are thin. It’s important to give gratitude for life and to serve life; we don’t know how long we are here for. As an earth-based spiritual practitioner, I focus that energy on building pathways to peace. This starts with me and rooting out the ways I war with myself and others. That’s what I know to do and the legacy I am passing on to my descendants. The world is an absurd place right now. I do what I feel is right. I think most of us are in that boat, not knowing for sure if what we are doing makes a difference or not. Living with hope is important to me. I think of all the genocides, wars, and senseless loss of life throughout human time. Our ancestors lived through that. We are here because of their love and because they survived. Because they had hope.


Jennifer Engrácio